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时间:2022-10-16 11:40:06 来源:网友投稿

摘      要:课程化是体育学科核心素养落地化处理的重要方式。研究认为:在国内外课程改革进程中,体育学科核心素养与学校体育课程体系密切结合且融入学校体育课程体系之中;体育课程标准中透视出的体育学科核心素养要求影响着学校體育课程的改革进程。通过情境生成、复合需要、规划研制、活动设计、反思评价5个环节,可以设计出体育学科核心素养的课程化机制,为体育学科核心素养的落地化处理提供针对性实践路径,促使体育学科核心素养理念有效融合于体育课程体系的改进与完善过程之中。

关  键  词:体育课程;体育学科核心素养;体育教学;课程化

中图分类号:G807    文献标志码:A    文章编号:1006-7116(2019)04-0094-06

Abstract: Course embodiment is an important way of physical education disciplinary core attainments landing processing; by examining the form, current situation and problems with respect to physical education disciplinary core attainments realizing course embodiment in teaching and learning interaction between the teacher and the students, the authors drew the following conclusions: in the process of physical education curriculum reform at home and abroad, physical education disciplinary core attainments are closely combined with the school physical education curriculum system and blended into the school physical education curriculum system; physical education disciplinary core attainments requirements reflected in physical education curriculum standards affect school physical education reform process. Via such 5 links as scenario generation, compound needs, planning development, activity design, reflection and evaluation, the course embodiment mechanism of physical education disciplinary core attainments can be designed, to provide targeted practice paths for physical education disciplinary core attainments landing processing, and to promote the conception of physical education disciplinary core attainments to be effectively blended into the process of improvement and perfection of the physical education curriculum system.

Key words: physical education curriculum;physical education disciplinary core attainment;physical education teaching;curriculum embodiment


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