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时间:2022-10-23 08:05:30 来源:网友投稿

摘 要:





文献标志码:A 文章编号:16744764(2018)05000108





赵瑜(1978),男,教授,博士生导师,主要从事岩石力学、计算力学、地质力学方面的研究,Email: zytyut1@126.com。


Foundation item:

National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51374257)

Author brief:

Zhao Yu (1978),professor, doctorial supervisor, main research interests: rock mechanics, computational mechanics, geomechanics,Email:zytyut1@126.com.

Impact of tunnel engineering on groundwater environment in karst area

Zhao Yua,b,Hu Boa,Chen Hailina,Xiang Weia

(a.College of Civil Engineering;b.National Joint Engineering Research Center for Prevention and

Control of Environmental Geological Hazards in the TGR Area, Chongqing 400045, P.R. China)


During the tunnel construction in the karst area, there is a great danger of water iush, and the discharge of groundwater will lead to the geological disasters. The hydrogeology in Zhongliang mountain tunnel area was analyzed and the BP neural network optimized by the genetic algorithm is used for inverse analysis of the permeability coefficient of aquifer. The impact of tunnel elevation and the discharge of groundwater on groundwater environment change was studied, and the groundwater environment change with time was explored. The results show that water iush during karst tunnels construction is most likely to occur on the interface between the aquifuge and the aquifer, and that tunnel elevation and the discharge of groundwater have both great impacts on the groundwater environment. The results indicate that the groundwater level drops rapidly and cannot return to the original level in the current drainage conditions. Consequently the discharge of groundwater should be controlled properly during construction. Measures should be also taken to protect the groundwater environment during construction and operation stage of tunnels.


tunnel; groundwater; numerical simulation; groundwater level drawdown; depression cone

中國交通事业的发展日新月异,隧道工程不仅越建越多,而且越建越长。有效的交通在很大程度上依赖于具有良好线形的公路和铁路隧道[1]。经统计,中国己建长隧道(长度大于3 km)中的41.27%的隧道在修建过程中几乎不同程度遇到了地下水的危害,并产生了隧道涌突水、区域地下水位下降、岩溶塌陷、地下水污染和生态环境退化等一系列的地下水环境问题[2]。岩溶地区隧道地下水涌水问题是长期以来难以突破的水文地质难题。富水岩溶地区地下水不仅危及施工安全、影响施工进度,而且在隧道施工期大量输排地下水情况下极大地恶化当地环境。2016年《环境影响评价技术导则》[3]的修订则突显地下水环境影响研究的必要性。掌握隧道工程因素以及隧道施工和运行不同时期对地下水环境的影响规律,是对地下水环境进行科学评价的理论基础[4]。

推荐访问:岩溶 修建 隧道 水环境 地下