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时间:2022-09-28 09:20:21 来源:网友投稿

张桂梅简介英语6篇张桂梅简介英语 摘要:专业课中的思政教育是一种隐性教育。“英语课程与教学论”课程思政需任课教师系统地有层次地规划与设计教学内容下面是小编为大家整理的张桂梅简介英语6篇,供大家参考。



要:专业课中的思政教育是一种隐性教育。“英语课程与教学论”课程思政需任课教师系统地有层次地规划与设计教学内容并精心选择教学方式。深化“英语课程与教学论”课程思政教学应完善案例库建设,改进实践环节教学,进一步强化与思想政治理论课的联系。关键词:应用型本科院校;英语师范专业;课程思政;实践路径中图分类号:G642 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1673-1808(2022)01-0026-05“英语课程与教学论”课程思政的实践路径杨 慧(晋中学院 外语系,山西 晋中 030619)[收稿日期]2021-09-22[基金项目]山西省教科院“十三五”规划课题“应用型本科院校英语师范生学科教学能力发展研究” “‘英语课程与教学论’精品课程建设” (GH-18089)。[作者简介]杨 慧(1983-),女,山西灵石人,晋中学院外语系,助教,硕士,研究方向:英语语言文学及教学研究。第 39 卷第 1 期2022 年 2 月晋 中 学 院 学 报Journal of Jinzhong UniversityVol.39 No.1Feb . 2022课程思政是党中央针对高校专业教学思想政治教育做出的战略部署,应用型本科院校英语师范专业开展课程思政建设是教学改革和有效达成地方基础教育英语师资人才培养的迫切需要。随着课程思政的大量实践,关于课程思政的研究也越来越多。在中国知网上以“课程思政”作为主题输入,显示结果多达 21062 条,以“英语专业课程思政”作为主题输入,显示结果仅 386 条,且大多是对英语专业实施课程思政的必要性、可行性及实施策略进行理论阐述,与具体课程结合的较少,关于应用型本科院校英语师范专业的课程思政研究更是仅有寥寥数篇,且都为泛泛而谈,没有与具体课程相结合,因此本文结合“英语课程与教学论”这门英语师范类专业的核心课程对应用型本科院校英语师范类专业课程思政实践路径进行探析,可为教学实践提供借鉴。一、课程思政对于应用型本科院校英语师范专业的重要性以促进地方经济社会发展为目的进行应用型人才的培养,使他们具有扎实的理论知识、较高的综合素质、较强的实践能力、创新能力以及高度的社会责任感,是应用型本科院校的办学定位。中小学英语教师由英语师范专业所培养,这些人才所具有的英语专业知识及教学技能要坚实,要拥有优良的专业发展能力,要具备崇高的教师职业信念和职业道德。由于专业特点,英语专业的学生容易受西方思想价值体系的影响而忽视中国的传统核心思想价值观。根据调查,相当数量的师范生选择教师职业是就业难的无奈之举或看重教师职业的稳定性和寒暑假,并不是发自内心或出于对教师职业的敬畏和热爱。因此,在职前阶段非常有必要激发学生“尊教” “爱教” “乐教”的热情,英语师范专业融入课程思政十分必要,势在必行。二、 “英语课程与教学论”课程思政价值内涵价值塑造、能力培养和知识传授,是高校课程三位一体的教学目标。英语师范专业的“英语课程与教学论”是学生必修的一门课程,任课教师应高度重视社会主义核心价值观的教育和引领,与专业类课程协同推进。(一)课程目标与定位通过本课程的学习,学生能够比较系统地掌握英语课程与教学论专业相关的基础理论知识、系统的专业知识和必要的实践技能,了解和掌握外语教学的一般手段和方法,同时具有良好的社会责任感26 · ·

 和良好的职业道德,积极为我国社会主义现代化建设事业服务,成为具有崇高的理想信念、良好的师风师德和高度敬业精神的应用型人才。(二)课程内容与选材课程教材选择的是英语教学法学科领域的权威教材“英语教学法教程”,主编为王蔷教授。学期授课前授课教师团队在深入讨论学习,以习近平总书记的相关讲话精神为指导,迎合地方基础教育英语师资的实际需求,对新的教学大纲进行了修订,增加了思政教学元素,在每章节的教学设计中也特别增加了微观思政教学目标,并结合教材内容适当补充了一些相关课外资料,力争找准课程思政的切入点。经过精心研讨,课程思政教学内容选择与安排如表 1 所示:杨 慧 “英语课程与教学论”课程思政的实践路径表 1 “英语课程与教学论”课程思政教学内容选择与安排教学内容 课程思政融入点 预期效果 融入方法语言观和语言学习观思辨能力 小组讨论学生能够辩证地认识外语教学发展史上三种语言观和四种语言学习观。优秀英语教师的基本素质优秀英语教师应具备的基本素质。辩论案例分析学生能够了解优秀英语教师需具备个人修养、专业技能以及道德素质这三方面的基本素养,并将其作为自己以后的职业追求。英语教学法主要流派对英语各教学法主要流派思辨的能力。任务型教学法学生能够发展思辨能力,对英语教学法主要流派进行思考、分析和评价,对各教学法的优劣有清晰的认识,并能基于实际教学来选用。备课和编写教案认真备课和编写教案,体现教师良好的职业素养。案例分析学生能够明白备课和编写教案在教师工作中的重要性,明白教师应在课前做好认真充分的准备,这是教师良好职业素养的体现。课堂教学管理教师恰当的教学管理,需基于良好的职业素养和道德。学生能够明白新课程标准对教师角色的新要求,教师维持纪律应以尊重学生、热爱学生为前提,在纠错过程中应维护学生的自信与自尊。小组讨论案例分析语言知识和语言技能的教学方法对于教学手段的选择要科学、合理,更好地进行问题的分析和解决。基于自身的认知基础以及学习过程,学生能够在讨论、实践等过程之后,对问题的分析和解决能力得到有效提升,能够更科学、合理地选择教学手段。案例分析任务型教学法语言教学中的德育教育教师不仅要对学生的智力发展负责,还要对其道德发展负责。学生应清楚德育教育首先要以身作则,发挥榜样的力量;其次要视情况选择最合适的方法将德育融入英语教学中。小组讨论案例分析教学评价多种评价方式促进评价的公平性和可信性,促进学生全面发展。学生能够通过掌握科学的评价手段形成科学的学生观和教育观,更好地推动教学对象的全面发展。小组讨论角色扮演三、 “英语课程与教学论”课程思政的实现路径在专业课教学中融入课程思政,关键在于怎样实现专业课程与思政课在价值引领和育人导向的深度融合。思政课是高校思想政治教育最主要的途径,其最主要的手段为显性教育;而专业课中的思政教育最主要的手段则为隐性教育,通过精心设计的课堂教学手段使学生自己感悟课程所蕴含的思政意义,并转化为自己的思想品质、道德行为。任课教师需围绕高校的办学特色和人才培养定位,突出习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,将重点内容放在国家意识、人文精神、科学精神、政治认同、职业素养等方面,基于此来对教学内容进行全面的有层次的规划与设计 [1] 。在具体的教学实践中,任课教师需创新教学方27 · ·



 “但其中有一项若缺失了是无法弥补的,是哪项素质呢?”接下来,主讲教师给学生播放一段关于张桂梅事迹的短片,结合课前大家搜集到的优秀教师的事例,让大家思考说出这些事例中的教师为什么被称为优秀教师?仅仅因为他们教学好吗?通过大量的事例学生们会感受到优秀教师之所以被大众传颂都是由于他们的高尚品德、敬业以及大爱精神,把教育事业当作自己的生命在敬畏与守护。再给大家举一些虽然在所教学领域学识渊博,但师德败坏被媒体作为反面事例报道的事例,让学生通过对比感受作为教师具有良好师风师德的重要性,让其认识到若道德素质低下,就算有超强的教学和专业能力,其教学生涯的发展也必将是短暂的。课后布置任务:观看电影《嗝嗝老师》。观看结束后组织同学们在线上钉钉群学习圈讨论心得体会。从热烈的讨论分享来看,同学们感触很深,都表示被影片中这位老师对教育的热爱和投入深深打动,这位老师身上所体现出的优秀品质和高尚的师德已经深植于同学们的内心,相信在她们以后的职业生涯中定会以这位教师为榜样,学习她对教育的执着与热爱、担当与情怀,形成全面而科学的教育观、职业观,增强自我发展内驱力,走上工作岗位时能做到以德立身、以德立学、以德施教和以德育德 [2] 。此次课程设计围绕问题而展开,通过对学生的引导,使他们在思考问题的过程中能从多个角度出发,从而有效地培养了他们的思辨能力。同时,通过案例分析、辩论、观看电影交流心得体会的方式,使学生在与社会实际相结合的过程中将自身的想法表达出来。这一过程中主讲老师需做好引导和指导工作,让他们对自己的人生以及职业进行全面的规划,努力成为有理想信念、有道德情操、有扎实学识、有仁爱之心的“四有”好老师。(二)语言教学中的德育教育课程第十四单元是关于语言教学中的德育教育的,这也是本门课程重要的课程思政融入点。中国有句古话“教师是人类灵魂的工程师”,这句话揭示了教师不单单要培养学生的智力,还要注重学生的道德养成。从三观的形成方面而言,青少年时期相当关键,如果能在中小学教学中融入德育教育,非常益于培养学生的社会主义核心价值观和深厚的家国情怀。英语新课程标准也特别提出,除知识与技能目标,中小学英语教学还应体现情感态度价值观目标,这也是德育目标或课程思政目标的体现。因此,作为将来要走上基础教育教师岗位的英语师范专业学生,在校期间非常有必要学习在中小学英语教学中如何融入德育教育,也就是思政教育。为使学生能够真正掌握在教学实际中如何进行德育教育,本单元的教学特别将理论和实践结合起来。在前面的课程内容中学生已经学习过教学设计以及具体的语言知识和语言技能,已明白英语教杨 慧 “英语课程与教学论”课程思政的实践路径28 · ·

 学的目标,但对于中小学英语教学的德育内容、德育教学活动及教师在学生德育发展方面的作用没有具体深入的了解,这些就是本单元教学要解决的问题。在课堂上老师提出这三个问题让学生分组讨论,讨论结束后,选几名小组代表就这三个问题包含的内容进行陈述。关于中小学英语教学的德育内容学生提出的有诚实、友善、尊重他人、坚强、爱国、团结等,教师在点评学生的回答后会再补充一些内容,如自控能力、健康卫生、公正、自立、责任感、可靠、宽容和理解等。课程教学中教师引导学生关注德育教育有诸多方法,一些方法可以老师为中心,另一些方法让学生自主探讨道德问题。同样,道德教育的关注点也有轻重之别,教师需要视情况选择最合适的方法。关于教师在学生德育发展方面的作用,学生提到了两个方面:一方面是教师自身作为道德榜样,身教胜于言教;另一方面,教师要深入挖掘出教材中的德育点,并将其与学生的道德困惑和道德问题联系起来,寻求合适的方法融入课堂教学中。在解决了这三个主要问题之后主讲教师设计了实践活动,让学生通过实践真正掌握在教学中如何融入德育教育,这是非常关键的。主讲教师提供了三个教学材料(一个是听说教学材料,一个是阅读材料,一个是写作材料),并把全班同学分为六组,每个材料由两组同学分别完成。这样可以让学习者掌握不同的课型如何融入德育教育,两个小组完成同样的材料后通过对比可让同学们学习更好的方式方法。小组成员既要分工明确,又要协调配合,这个过程可以培养学生的团队合作能力以及解决实际问题的能力。学生需在下次教育技能训练课上进行展示,并在展示前将自己小组的分工细则、教案、PPT 发至钉钉学习群中,供教师和其他小组同学查看。课堂展示结束后,主讲教师先组织小组间互评,要求从教案设计、PPT 制作、讲课学生的课堂活动组织及自己作为听课者的感受等方面去评价将德育教育融入课堂教学的成效,最后主讲教师总结点评。本单元的教学以突出学生的参与性为主,通过讨论先让学生对德育教育如何融入中小学英语教学的关键问题有了理论上的认识,通过小组实践任务的...


新闻热搜z这个冬天, 张挂梅被搀扶着走完家访路......2022年中考英语时文热点话题题型专练新闻热搜:

 这个冬天, 张桂梅被搀扶着走完家访路......2月21臼云南 ’ 丽江华坪女子高中正式开学在刚刚过去的这个寒假校长张桂梅又 一 次踏上了家访路这样的家访十多年来从没有间断过

 自2008年华坪女高建校以来张校梅已家访超过1600户几乎每 一 名女高学生的家里都留下了她的足迹每个寒暑假的家访似乎已成为张桂梅与女高学生们的默契约定也成为她们之间最温暖的回忆

 一、 阅读单选Zhang Guimei showed us how to be a good teacher and the importance of a teacher in students ’ lives. In 2009, Zhang Guimei fo unded the Huaping High School for Girls in Lijiang, Yunnan Province. This is a special high school which did not ask fo r tuition fees (学费)

 from girls in poor families. In 2以l3, Zhang b 巳 gan to rais 巳 money for the school, but her efforts were often met with suspicion (质疑)

 and even misunderstanding. During 2003 and 2007, Zhang spent her spare time asking people to make donations (捐款)

 f o r her school. However, the money she got was not enough. In 2007, aft 巳 r her dream was reported by media (媒体)

 , the gover n ment promised to help her pr句ect.Zhang carrie 飞 on strict school mies. She plans every minute of her studen邸 ’ timetable. At 5:20 a. m , she wake 写 up all the girls. They must take a nap in the aft 巳 moon. They at 电 only allow 巳 d three hours a week outsid 巳 ofthe school. And long hair is not allowed in school. She wants to change the lives of many 伊ls from poor fa milies through education. Eleven years later, over I, 600 girl students have graduated fr om the school and received higher education-including many fa mous univ 巳 rsities in China. When people asked why she made so many eff o rts to help girls in th 巳 mountains to receive belier education, she just said , “l believe it is really important fo r girls to receive education. I hope they can live happier than me. And it will be the greatest comfort to me.” I. 飞,I V hen was the Huaping High School for Girls set up?

 A. In 2003. B. In 2005. c. In 2007.2. What does the 1hird paragraph mainly tell us?A. All the students get up early to study.B. Ther 巳 ar 巳 strict rules in the school.C. Long hair is not allowed in the school.D. Zhang is a kind mother for the students.3. Why did Zhang make so many efforts to help those girls?A. Because she was ask 巳 d to do so by their parent 且.B. Because she thought girls were as clever as boys.C. Because she wanted them to Jive more happily than her. D. Because those girls" parents had paid lots of attention to their study.4. What is the best title for the text?A. A Good And Strict TeacherB. A Common High School for GirlsC. A Famous High School i.n ChinaD. Girl Students from PoOJ· Families【答案】1-4. DBCA【短文分析】D. In 2009.本文是 一 篇记叙文。

 主要训述了张恍梅老师历经重亟闲x!L €1J越免费女子向中。

 她爱校如家, 关爱学生,严爱相 i 齐。

 十多年米, 这黑先后有1600 余名女孩考入大学, 走出),�111。【答案解析】【第1题】细节理解题。

 恨』 材 ·Jn2009, Zhang Guimci founded the Huaping High School for Girls in Lijiang.Yunnan Province.” 可知, 张极梅币2009年创办了华坪女子函中。

 故i 在 D 。【第21m】主旨大E 主 题。

 J归宿 “ Zhang carries on strict school rules.'’及全段内容可知, 本段主要介织了张栓梅执教的学校有�严格的校规。

 故i 在 B.【第3M f i l 】细节理由 于 , 题。恨据 “ When people asked why she made so many efforts to help girls in the mountains toreceive better education. she just said.“l believe il is really imporlam fo r g让Is to receive educalion. l hope they canlive happier than me. And it will be the greatest comfort to me.”可知, 张桂梅想要这些女孩生活得比她幸福, 所


 故 i 在 C。I ;在4题】最佳标题题。

 边读金文可知, 本文主要介绍 f 张桂榕在师历经重 1 l i 困难创办乡 ; F 高中 , 在执教过程中对学生严翠柏济 , 帮助很多学生走出大山 , 改变命运的故事。故 “ A Good And Strict Teacher ” 可作为本文标题。

 l 次 j 在 A.阅读填表Poverty (贫困)

 is a big problem around the world. But China has done a good job of dealing with it. China bas fo und its own way to fight poverty. Ordinary people and good partnerships play a big role. Here are three model examples of them. Zhang Guimei, 64 Principal of the Huaping Senior High School for Girls in Lijiang, Yunnan As a teacher, Zhang was heartbroken when she saw her students quit school after fi nishing senior high school. It was possible for many of then 】

 to go to colleg 巳. Howev 巳 r, they couldn ’ t it so because thei 『 families couldn ’ t afford it. So in 20邸 , Zhang set up f r ee school for poor girls. Sine 巳 then, Zhang has been busy asking for donations to provide money for the school. She has succeeded in making parents send their daughters back to school. The school has sent more than 1, 80 0 students to universities and colleges. Mao Xianglin, 62 Village head ofXiazhuang village, Wushan county in Chongqing In 1997, 38-year-old Mao started co work as the Party secretary of his village. Around lhe village there was only one pathway out of the village for many years. It took villagers thr 巳巳 days to walk to the neare 飞 t town. Mao led more than I 00 villagers to build a road with their hands. They hung from ropes and used hammer. ιand drills to create the road. Six of them died fr om falling rocks. It took them seven years to build an eight-kilometer road. But their work has improved people ’ s Ii ves. lt now takes just one hour to drive to the nearest town. Mao出en encouraged the villagers to grow oranges. Last year, their orange yield (产量)

 was nearly 40 tons. Young people have retur n ed to the village to sell oranges online. By the end of2 。” , 269 villagers had been l战时out of poverty. The personal incom 巳(收入)

 reached 12,670 yuan, while 316 yuan in the 1990s.

 讪finning town Yongning county, Ningxia Hui autonomous region Have you seen the hit TV series Minning Town? It tells the story of people who move from mountains in Ningxia to b山Id new homes on the plains(平原)

 in th巳 1990s. Th巳y lear n to grow mushrooms from ex阴阳仕om Fujian. In th巳 巳时 , th巳y get rid of poverty. The show is based on a true story. It is a good example of China ’ s“ pair-up ”practi巳e. In 1997, Fujian and Ningxia paired up as partners to fight poverty. The name Minning come品位om the short nicknames for Fujian(Min) and Ningxia(Ning). Since the work started, Fujian has sent 183 officials and around 2,0 0 0 experts in science and technology, education, and medical care to Ningxia, according to th巳local gover n ment. In 2020, the personal year忖disposable(可支配的)

 income of its people came to about 15,000 yuan. Model 一 - 1 . .一一 in the fi ght against poverty Names Deeds Achievements Zhang 一 L _ a free school for poor She has_ 主 一 over 1,800 Zhang Guimei girls. She has 主 _ to get parents to stud巳nts go to universities and allow their daughters to return to school. I colleges.Mao Xianglin Minning Town Mao with villagers spent seven years building the road. Falling rocks led to the 二 一 o fsix villagers. Mao encouraged the vilJagers to grow oranges and young people to use 6 to sell them. Fujian has sent Ni略xia many of f icials and experts in science and technology , education, and medical care since they By the end of2019, the personal reached income 12,670 yuan, 40 - - - 1 . 一_ morethan in the 1990s. It ’ s much � fo r people to go to the nearest town than before b巳cause of the eight-kilometer road. In 2020, the personal yearly disposable income of its people 」 立 一 口,0 0 0 yuan or so.

 』 土【答案】I. 巳且 amples 2. built ran start 巳 d 3. manag 巳 d 4. help 以J 5. d巳ath6. lnler n el 7. times 8. quicker easier faster 9. paired IO. r巳ached【短文分析】本文讲述了在中国抗击贫困出现的三个抗击贫闲的英雄:

 云南刚江华子女子高级中学校长张栋梅、 主且庆市巫山县下庄村村长毛祥林和宁夏回族自治区 1k 宁县的闷宁慎。【答案解析】【第1越】根据第一 段最后 一 行 “Here are three model examples of them.'’可知, 表格中三人是与贫困作斗争的典仰。

 ltJ. 填examples.【第2题】根据” ...set up丘ee school" 1lJ知,张校梅为贫12 E I女孩建了 一 所免费学校。sel up a school=build/start/ran a school建立f 听学校, 故f点buill/ran/started。【第3题】根据“ She has succeeded in making parents send their daughters back to school.” 可以得知她设法计父l寻允许女儿豆返学校,succeed in doing=manage to do设法做成某事:

 攸填managed。【第4题】根据 “ The sιhool has sent more than I, 800 studen邸to universities and colleges.’可知, 存 Hl)J 小孩进入大学 。

 ;f, x ±真helped.【�5地】根据 “ Six of them died from fa lling rocks.”可以得知是落石导 - 致了死亡,the+ 名训+of: ......的 . . ...,空格处填名词:

 故death 。【第6Jm1根据“ Young people have returned to the village to sell oranges online.'’呵烟, 网上岱卖。故填 lnl 巳 met.【第7题】恨扫 除‘ The personal income (119 : 入)

 reach创12,670yuan, while 316 yuan in the 1990s.”可知, 2019年的收入是之前的40倍 。

 1段 棋times 。【第 8足 豆 】根据“ It now takes just one hour to drive to the nearest town.”可知, 现在开宅到鼓远的城镇只需要 一个小时, 所以人们去最近的城镇比以前更快(更容易〉了。

 故I真quicker/easier/faster 。【第9也】根据 “ ln 1997, Fujian and Ningxia paired up as partners to fight poverty.” nf烟 ,向从福建和宁夏结成对f , 其间抗击贫困以来, 创建向宁夏派山 r 许多科技、 敦白 、 医疗等方面的官员和专家。

 故填 paired 。【第10题】丰li t 据段后 一 段最后一 句 “ In 2020, the personal yearly disposable(可支配的)

 income of it� peopl 巳cam 巳to about 15,000 yuan.”可以得出是到2020年,全国人民年 1 习支现收入站到J.5万元左右。come lO = reach到达,

 此句时态为 一 般过去时 , 故填reached 。二、 阅读回答问题A On Feb 25th, 2021 President Xi Jinping announc巳d that China has made a complete victory in its fight against poverty (贫穷)

 . Chlna has fo und its own way to fight poverty. Instead of just giving money to poor people, it has tried to educate people and give them出e tools由ey need to lift themselves out of poverty. Zhang Guimei, 64, principal of the Huaping Senior High School fo r Girls in Lijiang, Yunnan. Born in Heilong j iang Province in 1957, Zhang traveled to Yunnan at the age of 17. Sh 巳 has been helping girls get education for more than 40 years. As a teacher, Zhang was heartbroken wh 巳 n she saw her students drop out of school (辍学)

 because th 巳 irfamilies couldn ’ t afford it. So in 2008, Zhang started a fr ee school for poor girls. Since then, Zhang has been busy asking for help to provide m...



 人与社会主题 —— 张桂梅:点燃大山女孩希望的人

 The Woman Who Has Ignited The Hopes of Many Girls Zhang Guimei, who has dedicated her 40 years to education at China"s southwestern border, is a "mother" for more than 170 children, and a principal motivating young girls from impoverished families in mountainous areas. ___1___(try) to cut the intergenerational transmission of poverty, she has ignited the hopes of many with the light of education. Zhang was born in Mudanjiang, northeast China"s Heilongjiang province in 1957. When she was 17, she came to Yunnan province, ___2___ lies in southwest China, with her elder sister, responding to the call of the country to support the development of border areas. When she first arrived there, she worked a job in the forestry industry. However, she stumbled into teaching and started a career as an ___3___(educate) ever since. After Zhang"s husband passed away in 1996, she went from Dali to teach in Huaping county, Yunnan"s Lijiang. Five years later, she established a children"s home and worked as a part-time president of it. Teaching at a middle school in Huaping county at that time, she saw many girls drop out of school due to poverty. It ___4___(sad) her very much and made her realize that an educated female is able to cut the intergenerational transmission of poverty and change the future of three generations. In 2002, Zhang started her preparation to build a free all-girls high school, in hope of changing the destiny of the girls in the mountain and lifting them out of poverty. In 2007, Zhang went to Beijing for the 17th Communist Party of China (CPC) National Congress as a deputy. Her report titled "I have a dream" ___5___(deliver) at the meeting made her dream of building a free all-girls high school known to all. Later, both the Lijiang and Huaping governments sponsored her with a million yuan. A year later, Zhang"s school was completed, becoming the first free all-girls high school in China. The school, born to fight ___6___ poverty, is a shelter for a number of girls in mountainous areas. During the past 13 years, the school ___7___(nurture) over 1,800 students who have made it to universities.

 Zhang suffers from 23 diseases, including heart disease and emphysema, but she is still working ___8___(selfish). She gets up at 5:00 am and is always the first ___9___(arrive) at school. She also checks how the classes are going three times a day. Zhang has made over 1,600 family visits annually for the past 12 years, covering ___10___ total distance of 110,000 kilometers. On June 29, Zhang was awarded CPC"s top honor July 1 Medal at a ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. At the ceremony, she said she did all this out of her gratefulness and love for the country, as well as the original aspiration and mission of a CPC member.


 Task 1: Fill in the blanks(语法填空)

 _ 1.____2.____3.____4.____5.____ _ 6.____7.____8.____9.____10.____


 生词助读 1. impoverished

 英 [ɪmˈpɒvərɪʃt]

 美 [ɪmˈpɑːvərɪʃt] adj. 穷困的;用尽了的 2. intergenerational

 英 [ˌɪntədʒenəˈreɪʃ(ə)n(ə)l]

 adj.(与)几代人(有关)的;影响几代人的; 3. ignite 英 [ɪɡˈnaɪt]

 美 [ɪɡˈnaɪt]

  vt. 点燃;使燃烧



  是 她是 170 多位孩子眼里的“张妈妈”、是帮助大山女孩走出贫困的“张校长”,扎根中国边疆山区教育四十余载,张桂梅用教育之光阻断贫困代际传递,照亮了无数人的心。

 梅 张桂梅 1957 年生于中国黑龙江牡丹江,17 岁时,她追随姐姐来云南支边,从事林业工作。一个偶然机会,张桂梅走上了讲台,从此致力于山区教育事业。

 1996 年丈夫去世后,张桂梅从大理调到华坪教书。2001 年,张桂梅创建华坪县儿童福利院(华坪儿童之家)并兼任院长。

 了 “儿童之家”先后收养了 170 多名儿童,张桂梅白天上班,晚上回来照顾孩子们,没有做过母亲的她,被孩子们亲切地叫作“张妈妈”。

 在华坪民族中学教书时,看着一个个山区女孩因贫困失学,张桂梅十分心痛。她意识到:一个受教育的女性,能阻断贫困的代际传递,改变三代人的命运!2002 年张桂梅开始筹建免费女子高中 ,希望能帮助山里女孩改变命运和脱贫。

 2007 年,张桂梅当选中共十七大代表。在北京开会时,一篇“我有一个梦想”的报出 道,把她建立女子高中的梦传开了。随后丽江市和华坪县各拿出 100 万元,帮助张老师办校。

 2008 年,丽江华坪女子高级中学成立,成为全中国第一所全免费的女子高级中学。


 到 女高成立前,华坪县中考升学率还不到 50% ,2020 年达到 90% 以上,全县高考升学率多年在丽江保持第一;以前当地农村女孩早婚早育的多,现在读高中的越来越多,建校 校 13 年来,帮助 1800 多名女孩走出大山走进大学。

 张桂梅没有子女,也没有财产,至今和学生一起住在女生宿舍里。她把全部奖金、捐款计 和大部分工资累计 100 万余元,全部捐献给了山区孩子们和其他需要的人。

 等 张桂梅身患心脏病、肺气肿等 23 种疾病,多次送往医院抢救才活过来。可她依旧拖着上 病体忘我工作,每天早上 5 点准时起床,第一个出现在校园里,每天至少 3 次巡校、查课;续 持续 12 年家访超过 1600 户,行程 11 万余公里。

 6 月 月 29 日,张桂梅在北京人民大会堂被授予中国共产党党内最高荣誉“七一勋章”。在颁授仪式上,张桂梅说,她做这些努力的原因,是源 于对这片土地的感恩和感情,更多的,则是一名共产党员的初心和使命。



 1. trying


 2. which


 3. educator 考察名词。

 4. saddened


 5. delivered 考察非谓语动词。动词的过去分词表被动。

 6. against 考察介词。

 7. has nurtured 考察动词时态。

 8. selflessly 考察副词。

 9. to arrive 考察固定用法。”the first to do...”第一个做某事的人... 10. a



20 年第 11 期




 2020( 总第



 期 )









 218高校语言类课程 “ DRR ” 思政教学的可行性— —

 以综合英语 ( 四 )

 为例贺双燕( 云南大学旅游文化学院外语学院 , 云南丽江 674199 )[ [ 摘要 ] 基于对课程思政实质的探讨 , DRR 思政教学在整体外语教学理念指导下应运而

 生 , , 其在高校语言类课程教学中的可行性 , , 通过 « « 综合英语 ( 四 )

 《 《 的思政设计和实施得以体现 , , 其

 益于高校语言类课程优化思政效果 。

 。[ [ 关键词 ] 高校语言类课程 ; DRR ; 思政教学 ; 综合英语 ( 四 )[ 中图分类号 ] G642

 [ [ 文献标识码 ] A— 、 、 弓 弓 I 言2016 年 , 习近平在全国高校思想政治工作会

 议上强调 :

 “ 把思想政治工作贯穿教育教学全过程 ;

 不断提高学生思想水平 、 政治觉悟 、 道德品质 、 文化

 素养 , 让学生成为德才兼备 、 全面发展的人才 ; 要坚

 持把立德树人作为中心环节 , 使思想政治工作贯穿

 教育教学的全过程 , 各类课程要与思想政治理论课

 同向同行 , 形成协同效应 ” [ 1 ] 。

 2017 年 , 教育部颁

 布 《 高校思想政治工作质量提升工程实施纲要 》 , 明

 确加强以 “ 课程思政 ” 为目标的各类课程的教学改

 革 , 实现思想政治教育与知识体系教育的有机统

 一⑵ 。

 通过剖析课程思政实质 , 结合整体外语教学

 和产出导向法 , 针对高校语言类课程 , DRR

 ( De ­construction^



 Reflection )



 教学模式被提出 , 其可行性以 《 综合英语 ( 四 )

 》 的思

 政教学设计和实施为例进行论述 .二 、 、 课程思政实质在专业学习中 , 学生习得专业领域的知识和技

 能 , 但各专业共建共享 、 又超越任何专业之上的 , 是

 育人 , 围绕培养什么人 , 沁润心灵 、 塑造价值 。


 看 ,

 课程思政实质为 :( 一 )

 培养家国情怀 , 提升人生格局不论科技如何日新月异 、 全球化如何发展 、 人[ [ 文章编号 ] 1010-2323 ( 2020 )

 11-0060-04类社会如何演进 , 课程思政实质是夯实文化基础和

 文化身份 , 是坚定家国情怀和民族气节 , 是弘扬人

 性中的真 、 善 、 美 , 如中国提出的四个自信 「 3 ] 、 社会

 核心主义价值观⑷和人类命运共同体 [ 5 ] . 因此 , 课

 程思政教学明确培养什么人 、 为谁培养人 , 提升学

 生的视野和格局 .( 二 )

 激发教学改革 , 打造高效课堂目前 , 已有部分高校专业课程的思政教材问

 世 , 但多数专业课教材还未得以调整 , 因此 , 在同教

 材 、 同课时 、 同样的授课对象等情况下 , 课程如何提

 升育人成效 ? 归根到底 , 问题落在 “ 如何打造高效

 课堂 ” 上 , 这一直是教学改革的核心 。

 其答案 , 在于

 教师 。

 教师在学习 、 实践 、 融合新的教学理念和方

 法过程中 , 不断厘清 、 修正含隐性思政的课程教学

 架构 , 有机融合教材内外内容 、 使之与时俱进 , 有效

 设计课前 、 课上 、 课后的学习活动 。

 课程丰盈 , 内容

 饱满 , 教学立体 , 学生的知识 、 视野 、 思想 、 能力 、 素

 养和价值观得以涵养 , 课程育人效率的提升将水到

 渠成 。

 所以 , 课程思政激发教学改革探索 、 打造高

 效课堂 , 得当的教学改革提升课程的思政育人成

 效.( 三 )


 课程内思政是教书育人的主阵地 , 课程之外 ,[ 收稿日期 ] 2020-09-25[ 作者简介 ] 贺双燕 ( 1986



 , 女 , 副 教授 , 研究方向 :

 二语习得 .[ 基金项目 ] 云南省教育厅科学研究基金项目 “ 英语专业 《 基础英语 》 教学改革探索 ( 项目编号 :

 2018JS808 )

 "; 云南大学

 旅游文化学院 “ 第一批校级一流课程建设项目 一 综合英语 ( 四 )

 ( 项目编号 :

 YLCK202001 )

 ” 的部分成果 .・ 60 ・。

 。. .。


 是辅战场 。

 二者主要区别在于 , 课程思政 , 体现的

 是老师自上而下的教学设计 , 受众面广 , 是偏共性

 化的育人 ; 而课程外思政 , 更多是学生信赖老师后 ,

 自下而上地反映自己的问题 , 是个性化的育人 。教育 , 是 “ 点然 ” 的过程 , 以心灵点亮心灵 , 贯穿

 着教师的整个职业生涯 。三 、 、 综合英语 ( ( 四 )


 思政设计综合英语 ( 四 )

 隐性思政总体思路为 :


 眼 、 细处着手 , 使飘忽的 “ 思政 ” 着陆于每一次课 .

 设计思路如下 :( 一 )

 宏观层定目标在课程宏观层面 , 厘清课程在知识 、 能力 、 素质

 和价值观上的预期目标 。

 根据课程性质 、 大纲 、 学

 情 、 及现实需求 , 梳理整门课的知识 、 能力 、 素质和

 价值观目标 , 具体如下 :1 .

 知识 :

 掌握八篇文章主旨 、 新增词汇约 1600

 个 、 巩固拓展语法知识 ( 尤英语复杂句 )

 、 掌握一定

 修辞 、 逻辑和思辨知识 , 夯实英语语言 、 文学 、 文化

 和翻译基础知识 。2 .

 能力 :

 掌握基础的英语听 、 读 、 说 、 写 、 译能

 力 ; 挖掘潜能 , 培养自学 、 提问 、 口笔表达 、 协作学

 习 、 思辨 、 组织 、 自我规划 、 评价 、 信息技术应用能

 力 , 训练跨文化交际和综合产出能力 、 探索和创新

 能力 。3. 素质 :

 笃学求真 , 具有扎实的英语语言基础

 知识和基本技能 , 具备一定的自学 、 合作学习意识

 和能力 , 初步具备英汉语言和中西文化对比意识 ,

 有一定思辨能力和人文修养 。4. 价值观 :

 把所学内化于个人品格 , 锤炼 《 为

 人 ” 的综合素养 , 做传播正能量 、 向善向上的 “ 正 ”

 “ 忠 ” “ 信 ” 之人 。

 根据 “ 整体外语教学理念归 ” , 上述

 四方面目标被归为互相融通的三个阶梯目标 , 知识

 与能力结合构成低阶的语言目标 , 素质层面为中阶

 的内容目标 , 价值观层面为高阶的思维目标 。


 “ 萨皮尔一沃尔夫假说 ( Sapir



 hypothesis )

 [ 7 ]

 ” 一-一语言 、 文化和思维三者间的关

 系 , 语言反映着人的思想和文化 。

 因此 , 课程的语

 言目标 、 内容目标和思维目标直接对接思政目标 ,

 成为课程宏观层的思政目标 。( 二 )


 次课的思政教学是中观层要旨所在 。


 洞的大目标不知所措时 , 解构大目标 , 将其分解成

 多个更具可行性的小目标是做事的基本逻辑 。


 此 , 在课程的宏观思政目标下 , 设计每单元的思政


 问题 :

 各单元思政要点是什么 ? 每次课的思政核心

 是什么 ? 各次课的思政点如何有机串联起来 ? 各

 单元之间的思政内容如何呼应共振 ? 如何检测思

 政效果 ? 以 《 综合英语 ( 四 )

 》 为例 , 实践探索出三点

 建议 :

 1 )

 吃透教材 、 充分挖掘每篇文章的思政点 ,

 基于这些教材内的思政点 , 搜集 、 整合课外思政资

 源 ( 书 、 文章 、 图片 、 音频 、 视频等 )

 , 再合理安排各单

 元思政内容 , 使之协同共振 。

 ( 2 )

 巧提问 , 以问题为

 跳板和桥梁 , 将课内思政元素和课外思政内容有机

 结合 , 使思政自然 。

 ( 3 )


 思政效果 。

 在成果导向理念 ( Outcome


 Ed ­ucation

 , 简称 OBE )

 [ ] 和产出导向法 ( Production



 , 简称 POA )

 [ ] 结合下 , 根据每

 单元课内外融合后的思政教学 , 教师设计相应的综

 合产出任务 , 学生完成融合式的口头或笔头产出 ,

 形成作品 。


 思政内容内化和迁移的过程 , 同时完成语言 、 内容

 和思维三维度的检测 。每单元的中观思政设计 , 从单元思政关键词 、

 每次课的思政元素 、 思政检测及不同单元间思政点

 的联系进行设计 。

 以第一 、 第九单元为例 , 综合英

 语 ( 四 )

 的中观思政设计如表 1 :表 1

 综合英语 ( 四 )

 中观思政设计单元 思政关键词各次课的思政元素( 每单元 6 次课 :

 前 5 次上课 , 第 6 次小测 )思政检测 单元思政协作强化Unit1Text

 I NeverGive

 In ,

 Never ,Never二战


 丘吉尔1 .

 二战 :

 历史背景与反思 ; 敦克尔大撤退及其意义 ( 课 1 )



 学网址 : encyclopedia.






 Il.2 .

 民族气节 :

 基于课文 , 解析英国人民在二战中展现的团结 、

 奉献精神 , 在敦克尔大撤退中万众一心的反法西斯决心 ( 课

 2 )

 ; 通过讨论丘吉尔为什么要引用吉卜林的诗 , 既括英国民

 族的特点 , 引出丘吉尔的 《 英语民族史 》 ① ( 课 3 )

 ; 基于英国的

 反法西斯战争 , 引出二战中中国人民的抗日战争 、 抗日英雄

 及其英勇行为 , 结合中国已取得的举世瞩目的发展成就 , 激

 发学生的民族自豪感和爱国之情 ( 课 4 )

 .3 .

 丘吉尔 :

 成长历程 ; 成功原因 ; 如何评价伟人 ( 思辨意识和

 能力 )

 ; 推荐 《 丘吉尔传 》 ② . 课前自学材料 :

 两部纪录片 《 温

 斯顿 • 丘吉尔世纪巨人 》 、 《 温斯顿 • 丘吉尔 :

 赢在战争 , 败

 在和平 》 ; 网址 : https :

 // encyclopedia.





 ( 课

 5 )


 学 , 撰写小组论

 文 , 下面的主题

 二选一 :


 族的特点 ; 二战

 反思 .为第 4 单元战争思政点埋

 下伏笔 ; 与第 6 单元爱国

 精神 、 第 7 单元的伟人品

 评共振 .・ 61 ・。

 。. .。


 续表 1单元 思政关键词各次课的思政元素( 每单元 6 次课 :

 前 5 次上课 , 第 6 次小测 )思政检测 单元思政协作强化Unit





 恩人1 .

 声音 :

 文章标题的含义 ? 声音与自信的关系 ( 课 1 )2 .

 逆商教育 :


 创伤 , 引导学生积极地看待挫折 , 咅养其突破自我的勇气 ( 课

 2 )

 .3 .

 内外因逻辑 :( 1 )

 解析作者少年时为何能写诗的表层和深层原因 , 引导学

 生剖析诗歌的艺术使命和艺术价值 , 以吉卜琳的 I ③ 为例 , 提

 升学生的诗歌赏析能力 ( 课 3 )

 .( 2 )

 从内外因逻辑解析作者的新生历程 , 引导学生树立 “ 打铁

 还需自身硬" 、 外因是催化剂的意识 , 推荐陈海贤的 《 了不起

 的我 》 ④ ( 课 4 )

 .4 .

 恩人 :

 由新生后的作者对其恩师的感激之情 , 培养学生怀

 恩 、 感恩 ; 基于逆向思维 , 引发学生思考 “ 我们如何成为他人

 生命中的贵人 ? ” 引出阿德勒的 “ 他者贡献 ” ⑤ 思想 , 引导学生

 树立正确的价值观 ( 课 5 )请结合课文和

 课外拓展 , 综合

 回顾 , 自拟题

 目 , 写一篇 200


 性作文 .深化第 6

 单元的感恩点 .在尊重他人权益下 ,

 挖掘自身潜力 , 培养正向

 自我反馈的意识和能力 ,

 提升自信 , 激发内在动

 机 , 去功利化学习 , 力所

 能及 、 不图回报地成为他

 人生命中的贵人 .( 三 )

 微观定实施细节针对每次课的思政内容 , 如实施思政教学涉及

 以下问题 :

 怎样融合课内外思政元素 ? 怎样升华融

 合后的思政点 ? 如何启发学生将思政点链接到自

 己身上 、 使之照进其现实生活 ? 如何让 “ 启发思维 、

 塑造价值 ” 这句话结果 ? 基于综合英语 ( 四 )


 教学实践 , 笔者提出 DRR 思政教学步骤 。


 ( Deconstruction







 解构 ( 透析课文文本 , 通语言关 )

 f 重构 ( 深挖作者

 的意图和思想精髓 , 通内容关 )

 f 反思 ( 引导学生自

 我反观 , 启发思想 、 涵养价值 , 通思维关 )四 、 、 综合英语 ( ( 四 )

 DRR 思政教学案例以综合英语 ( 四 )

 第九单元 How




 Voice 第 5 次课 ( 解析 23


 29 段 )

 为例 , 探析如何

 在教学中实施 DRR 思政教学 。1. Deconstruction : 解构课文 、 透析文本 , 通语

 言关 。

 在整体外语教育理念 6 指导和雨课堂 [ 0 ] 助

 力下 , 结合产出导向法 9 和翻转课堂 [ 11 ] ,课前 , 引

 导学生解构课文 , 结合所布置的课前自学任务和所

 补充的自学材料 , 学生小组合作学习这部分的词

 汇 、 长难句 、 修辞 , 讨论作者的写作特点 , 提出在文

 本解析中小组合力所不及的问题 。


 合作学习环节后 , 教师从各组提问中挑出 3


 4 个

 重要或典型的问题 。

 课上 , 根据既定课堂活动规

 则 , 10 分钟左右的小组讨论 , 6 个组抢答问题 , 此环

 节鼓励各组表达不同观点 , 引导大家倾听不同声

 音 、 碰撞思想火花 , 培养思辨的意识和能力 。


 基础之上 , 教师做必要补充 , 解析没竞答的问题 , 引

 导学生吃透文本信息 , 闯通语言关 。2. Reconstruction : 深挖作者意图 、 重构思想精

 髓 , 通内容关 。

 语言承载内容 , 在第 23


 29 段 , 作

 者意在向读者传递什么思想 ? 为什么 ? 此为第一

 层次的问题 , 作为跳板引导学生走向文本内的思政

 点 。

 学生先进行思考 , 有学生会说出与答案相近的

 观点 , 即 “ 作者向引导他寻回声音 、 重获自信的老

 师 — — 克劳奇教授表达深深的感恩之情 ” 。


 要总结 , 请全班思考下一波跳板式的问题 :

 1 )


 命中是否有过对你恩重如山的贵人 ? ( 2 )


 动善意地做过让他人人生好转的事情 ? ( 3 )


 生活中 , 你是否见 、 闻过向他人施恩不求报的事迹 ?

 小组在这三问题里任选一个 , 5 分钟组内交流后组

 际分享 。

 小组完成分享后 , 教师高效总结 , 引出张

 桂梅 , 请学生观看其事迹报告视频 。

 看毕 , 请各小

 组从受恩人 、 施恩人 、 旁观者三种立场分析张桂梅

 的事迹 , 使思政元素从文本内自...



 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

 Zhang Guimei was born to a family of ethnic Manchu minority group in Heilongjiang Province in 1957. ___1___ the age of 17, she came with her sister to Yunnan as part of a team supporting the country"s border regions.

  Over time, Zhang witnessed the gender gap in education up close in ___2___(relative) poor rural areas. Urban and rural students already faced unequal access to quality education, and the traditional ___3___(believe) of male superiority only worsened rural girls" inferior situation. Some girls were even pulled out of class just before the college entrance exam because they had to provide for ___4___(they) brothers.

 In 2002, Zhang came up with an idea ___5___, to many, seemed crazy: to found a free high school for girls. That was a tough task. She had to raise money and hire teachers. Six years later, she ___6___(found) the Huaping All-Girls High School. Given the rugged environment, however, nine of the ___7___(origin) 17 teachers later resigned. With the goal of never letting a girl fall behind in schooling, Zhang often works overtime despite ___8___(suffer) from illnesses. Despite her poor health, she has walked to almost every household deep in the mountains, talking to the parents about ___9___ importance of education for girls. Because of Zhang"s efforts ___10___(improve) female education in China, more girls can change their destiny(命运).


 1.At 考查介词。表示“在……岁时”,为 at the age of...。

 2.relatively 考查词类转换。relatively poor 相对贫穷的。修饰形容词 poor,用副词作状语。句意:随着时间的推移,张目睹了相对(relatively )贫困的农村地区在教育方面的性别差距。

 3.belief 考查词类转换。动词转换为名词作主语。句意:城乡学生已经面临着接受优质教育的不平等,传统的男尊女卑观念(belief)只会加剧农村女孩的劣势。

 4.their 考查代词。人称代词 they 转换为物主代词 their(她们的),指“女孩们的”。

 5.which/that。考查定语从句。去掉 to many 后还原从句为:(the idea ) seemed crazy。因先行词是 idea,用 which/that 引导定语从句并在从句中作主语。

 6.founded 考查时态。这里的 found 是动词原形,意为“建立,成立”。因句中有明确的过去时间状语 Six years later,用一般过去时。

 7.original 考查词类转换。名词 origin 转换为形容词 original(原来的,最初的), 作定语,修饰名词 teachers。

 8.suffering 考查非谓语。despite doing 尽管/即使做……。介词后接动词 ing 形式。

 9.the 考查冠词。the importance of education 教育的重要性。

 10.to improve 考查非谓语。efforts to do...做……的努力。动词不定式作后置定语。

 语法填空 张桂梅(二)

 Zhang Guimei and Women"s education in China 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

 This year, Zhang Guimei sent 150 female students to college from a free all-girls high school she had founded in 2008 in southwest China"s deep mountains. For the past 13 years, a total of 1,954 female students ___1___(graduate) from this school, the first and only one of its kind in the country. "To educate a girl is to change the destiny(命运) of three ___2___(generation)," Zhang said. ___3___ 64-year-old teacher from southwest China"s Yunnan Province was presented ___4___ the July 1 Medal by Xi Jinping at a ceremony in Beijing on Tuesday. Because of her efforts to improve female education in China, more girls can change their destiny.

 When the People"s Republic of China ___5___(found) in 1949, female illiteracy(文盲) was much higher than that of their male counterparts. In the 1950s, the Chinese government launched campaigns ___6___ helped some 16 million females become educated.

  In recent decades, wiping out illiteracy and ___7___(improve) the reading skills of women is regarded as one of the ___8___(high) priorities in China, according to the government"s guideline for helping the country"s females. The female illiteracy rate for those above age 15 has decreased from ___9___(rough) 90% in the early 1950s to 7% in 2019.

  In 2021, China scored 0.973 in the Global Gender Gap Report ___10___(release) by the World Economic Forum (with a score of 1 being completely equal).


 1.have graduated 考查时态。时间状语 For the past 13 years 意为“近 13 年来”,表示从过去开始持续到现在,符合现在完成时用法,故填现在完成时。

 2.generations 考查名词复数。three generations 三代,用复数形式。

 3.The 考查冠词。这位 64 岁的教师,特指张桂梅,表示特指,用定冠词。

 4.with 考查介词。表示“被授予……,被颁发……”,为 be presented with sth.句意:星期二在北京举行的颁奖典礼上这位来自中国西南部云南省的 64 岁教师被习近平授予“七一勋章”。

 5.was founded 考查时态。这里的 found 是动词原形,意为“建立,成立”。因中华人民共和国是“被建立”的,用被动语态。

 6.that/which 考查定语从句。还原定语从句,则为 The campaigns helped some 16 million females become educated. 因先行词为 campaigns,指事物,所以用 that/which 引导定语从句,指代先行词 campaigns,并在从句中作主语。

 7.improving 考查非谓语。与 wiping out 并列作主语,都用 ing 形式。

 8.highest 考查比较等级。句意:近几十年来,扫盲和提高妇女的阅读能力被视为中国政府帮助妇女的最高优先事项(the highest priorities)之一。

 9.roughly 考查词类转换。roughly 90% 大约百分之九十。

 10.released 考查非谓语。句中已有谓语动词 scored,且与所填词之间没有连词,考虑填非谓语。因报告是“被发布”的,用过去分词作后置定语,表被动。句意:2021 年,世界经济论坛发布的《全球性别差距报告》中,中国得分为 0.973 分(1 分表示完全平等)。


新闻热搜:这个冬天,张桂梅被搀扶着走完家访路…… 2022 年中考英语时文热点话题题型专练


 这个冬天,张桂梅被搀扶着走完家访路…… 2 月 21 日 云南丽江华坪女子高中正式开学 在刚刚过去的这个寒假 校长张桂梅 又一次踏上了家访路

 这样的家访 十多年来从没有间断过

 自 2008 年华坪女高建校以来 张桂梅已家访超过 1600 户 几乎每一名女高学生的家里 都留下了她的足迹

 每个寒暑假的家访 似乎已成为 张桂梅与女高学生们的默契约定 也成为她们之间最温暖的回忆

  一、阅读单选 Zhang Guimei showed us how to be a good teacher and the importance of a teacher in students’ lives.

 In 2009, Zhang Guimei founded the Huaping High School for Girls in Lijiang, Yunnan Province. This is a special high school which did not ask for tuition fees (学费) from girls in poor families. In 2003, Zhang began to raise money for the school, but her efforts were often met with suspicion (质疑) and even misunderstanding. During 2003 and 2007, Zhang spent her spare time asking people to make donations (捐款) for her school. However, the money she got was not enough. In 2007, after her dream was reported by media (媒体), the government promised to help her project. Zhang carries on strict school rules. She plans every minute of her students’ timetable. At 5:20 a. m., she wakes up all the girls. They must take a nap in the afternoon. They are only allowed three hours a week outside of the school. And long hair is not allowed in school. She wants to change the lives of many girls from poor families through education. Eleven years later, over 1, 600 girl students have graduated from the school and received higher education-including many famous universities in China. When people asked why she made so many efforts to help girls in the mountains to receive better education, she just said, “I believe it is really important for girls to receive education. I hope they can live happier than me. And it will be the greatest comfort to me. ” 1.When was the Huaping High School for Girls set up?

 A.In 2003. B.In 2005. C.In 2007. D.In 2009. 2.What does the third paragraph mainly tell us? A.All the students get up early to study. B.There are strict rules in the school. C.Long hair is not allowed in the school. D.Zhang is a kind mother for the students. 3.Why did Zhang make so many efforts to help those girls? A.Because she was asked to do so by their parents. B.Because she thought girls were as clever as boys. C.Because she wanted them to live more happily than her. D.Because those girls’ parents had paid lots of attention to their study. 4.What is the best title for the text? A.A Good And Strict Teacher B.A Common High School for Girls C.A Famous High School in China D.Girl Students from Poor Families 【答案】

 1-4.DBCA 【短文分析】

 本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了张桂梅老师历经重重困难,创建免费女子高中。她爱校如家,关爱学生,严爱相济。十多年来,这里先后有 1600 余名女孩考入大学,走出大山。


 【第 1 题】细节理解题。根据“In 2009, Zhang Guimei founded the Huaping High School for Girls in Lijiang, Yunnan Province.” 可知,张桂梅于 2009 年创办了华坪女子高中。故选 D。

 【第 2 题】主旨大意题。根据“Zhang carries on strict school rules.”及全段内容可知,本段主要介绍了张桂梅执教的学校有着严格的校规。故选 B。

 【第 3 题】

 细节理解题。根据“When people asked why she made so many efforts to help girls in the mountains to receive better education, she just said, “I believe it is really important for girls to receive education. I hope they can live happier than me. And it will be the greatest comfort to me.”可知,张桂梅想要这些女孩生活得比她幸福,所

 以为这些女孩付出了很多努力。故选 C。

 【第 4 题】最佳标题题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了张桂梅老师历经重重困难创办女子高中,在执教过程中对学生严爱相济,帮助很多学生走出大山,改变命运的故事。故“A Good And Strict Teacher”可作为本文标题。故选 A。

 二、阅读填表 Poverty (贫困) is a big problem around the world. But China has done a good job of dealing with it. China has found its own way to fight poverty. Ordinary people and good partnerships play a big role. Here are three model examples of them. Zhang Guimei, 64 Principal of the Huaping Senior High School for Girls in Lijiang, Yunnan

 As a teacher, Zhang was heartbroken when she saw her students quit school after finishing senior high school. It was possible for many of them to go to college. However, they couldn’t it so because their families couldn’t afford it. So in 2008, Zhang set up free school for poor girls. Since then, Zhang has been busy asking for donations to provide money for the school. She has succeeded in making parents send their daughters back to school. The school has sent more than 1, 800 students to universities and colleges. Mao Xianglin, 62 Village head of Xiazhuang village, Wushan county in Chongqing In 1997, 38-year-old Mao started to work as the Party secretary of his village. Around the village there was only one pathway out of the village for many years. It took villagers three days to walk to the nearest town. Mao led more than 100 villagers to build a road with their hands. They hung from ropes and used hammers and drills to create the road. Six of them died from falling rocks. It took them seven years to build an eight-kilometer road. But their work has improved people’s lives. It now takes just one hour to drive to the nearest town. Mao then encouraged the villagers to grow oranges. Last year, their orange yield (产量) was nearly 40 tons. Young people have returned to the village to sell oranges online. By the end of 2019, 269 villagers had been lifted out of poverty. The personal income (收入) reached 12,670 yuan, while 316 yuan in the 1990s.

 Minning town Yongning county, Ningxia Hui autonomous region Have you seen the hit TV series Minning Town? It tells the story of people who move from mountains in Ningxia to build new homes on the plains( 平 原 ) in the 1990s. They learn to grow mushrooms from experts from Fujian. In the end, they get rid of poverty. The show is based on a true story. It is a good example of China’s “pair-up” practice. In 1997, Fujian and Ningxia paired up as partners to fight poverty. The name Minning comes from the short nicknames for Fujian(Min) and Ningxia(Ning). Since the work started, Fujian has sent 183 officials and around 2,000 experts in science

  and technology, education, and medical care to Ningxia, according to the local government. In 2020, the personal yearly disposable(可支配的) income of its people came to about 15,000 yuan. Model ____1____ in the fight against poverty Names Deeds Achievements Zhang Guimei Zhang___2___a free school for poor girls. She has___3___ to get parents to allow their daughters to return to school. She has___4___ over 1,800 students go to universities and colleges. Mao Xianglin Mao with villagers spent seven years

  building the road. Falling rocks led to the ___5___of six villagers. Mao encouraged the villagers to grow oranges and young people to use ___6___ to sell them. By



  of 2019,

  the personal


  reached 12,670 yuan, 40___7___ more than in the 1990s.




  for people to go to the nearest town than before because of the eight-kilometer road. Minning Town Fujian has sent Ningxia many officials and experts in science and technology, education, and medical care since they In 2020, the personal yearly disposable income of its people ____10____15,000 yuan or so.









  5.death 6.Internet






 10.reached 【短文分析】



 【第 1 题】根据第一段最后一行“ Here are three model examples of them.”可知,表格中三人是与贫困作斗争的典范。故填 examples。

 【第 2 题】根据“...set up free school”可知,张桂梅为贫困女孩建了一所免费学校。set up a school=build/start/ran a school 建立一所学校,故填 built/ran/started。

 【第 3 题】根据“She has succeeded in making parents send their daughters back to school.” 可以得知她设法让父母允许女儿重返学校, succeed in doing=manage to do 设法做成某事;故填 managed。

 【第 4 题】根据“The school has sent more than 1, 800 students to universities and colleges.”可知,帮助小孩进入大学。故填 helped。

 【第 5 题】根据“Six of them died from falling rocks.”可以得知是落石导致了死亡,the +名词+of:……的……,空格处填名词;故 death。

 【第 6 题】根据“Young people have returned to the village to sell oranges online.”可知,网上售卖。故填 Internet. 【第 7 题】根据“The personal income (收入) reached 12,670 yuan, while 316 yuan in the 1990s.”可知,2019 年的收入是之前的 40 倍。故填 times。

 【第 8 题】根据“It now takes just one hour to drive to the nearest town.”可知,现在开车到最近的城镇只需要一个小时,所以人们去最近的城镇比以前更快(更容易)了。故填 quicker/easier/faster。

 【第 9 题】根据“In 1997, Fujian and Ningxia paired up as partners to fight poverty.” 可知,自从福建和宁夏结成对子,共同抗击贫困以来,福建向宁夏派出了许多科技、教育、医疗等方面的官员和专家。故填 paired 。

 【第 10 题】根据最后一段最后一句“In 2020, the personal yearly disposable(可支配的) income of its people came to about 15,000 yuan.”可以得出是到 2020 年,全国人民年可支配收入达到 1.5 万元左右。come to=reach 到达,

 此句时态为一般过去时,故填 reached。

  三、阅读回答问题 A On Feb 25th, 2021 President Xi Jinping announced that China has made a complete victory in its fight against poverty(贫穷). China has found its own way to fight poverty. Instead of just giving money to poor people, it has tried to educate people and give them the tools they need to lift themselves out of poverty.

 Zhang Guimei, 64, principal of the Huaping Senior High School for Girls in Lijiang, Yunnan. Born in Heilongjiang Province in 1957, Zhang traveled to Yunnan at the age of 17. She has been helping girls get education for more than 40 years.

 As a teacher, Zhang was heartbroken when she saw her students drop out of school(辍学)

 because their families couldn’t afford it. So in 2008, Zhang started a free school for poor girls. Since then, Zhang has been busy asking for help to provide money for the school. She has advised parents to send their daughters back to school successfully. The school has sent 1, 800 students to universities and ...

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