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时间:2022-10-17 19:55:04 来源:网友投稿



中图分类号:R284 文献标志码:A doi:10.16693/j.cnki.1671-9646(X).2017.10.047

Research Progress on Comprehensive Processing and

High Value Utilization of Crocodiles

CHEN Hongpei1,2,ZHAO Hui1,2,DONG Shiting1,2,*LIU Bin1,2,3,*ZENG Feng1,2,

(1. College of Food Science,Fujian Agriculture and Forest University,Fuzhou,Fujian 350002,China;

2. Marine Research Institute,Fujian Agriculture and Forest University,Fuzhou,Fujian 350002,China;

3. National Engineering Research Center of JUNCAO Technology,Fujian Agriculture and Forest University,

Fuzhou,Fujian 350002,China)

Abstract:Crocodile is a reptile,is more than two hundred million years ago with the dinosaurs of the most original one of the original animals,its viability is very strong,resistance to disease and the ability of adversity was surviving to the present protection. Crocodile as the ancient times to retain the cherished species,was highly research value. As the crocodile whole body was treasure,by the people"s general concern,more and more widely used in food,medicine,chemical and other fields,has gradually become a hot research and development. Crocodile itself has the immunity and resistance to disease and resistance to stress,by the biomedical community of general concern. Crocodile as a rare species of ancient times,is to study the biological evolution,the breeding of endangered animals and the protection of the environment and other important species. This paper summarized the research status of comprehensive processing and high value utilization of crocodile products,and prospectedts development prospects.

Key words:Crocodile;integrated processing;high value;research progress

0 引言

鳄鱼是一种历史悠久而神秘奇特的卵生爬行动物,和当时的恐龙有着一定亲属关系,已经存活了 2亿多年,所以有着“活化石”的美称。鳄鱼属爬行纲(Repitilia)、鳄目(Crocodilia),共有3科8属 25种,当今现存仅有3科21种,主要分布于温带及热带地区[1-3]。在鳄鱼的分类上,专家们有着不同的意见,基本上大家认同的有3种分类。按生物学分类大体上可分为3个科,即鳄科(Crocodiles)、食鱼鳄科(Gavial)、短吻鳄科(Alligators),总共30种;按鳄鱼的体型大小将其分为4类,即巨大種、普通大种、一般种、小型种;也可根据鳄鱼生存环境分为3类,即咸水鳄、半咸水鳄、淡水鳄[4]。在6 000多万年前恐龙灭绝,鳄鱼却继续生存并繁殖进化到现在,说明其具有强劲的生长繁殖能力和环境适应能力,是医药学与生态科学等方面研究关注的重要材料。由于鳄鱼浑身都是宝,已经受到了人们的关注,越来越广泛地应用于食品、医药、化工等领域,逐渐成为研究和开发的热点。重点综述了鳄鱼产品中的鳄鱼血、鳄鱼肉、鳄鱼皮、鳄鱼油、鳄鱼骨、鳄鱼甲等的研究现状,为其综合加工和高值化利用的研究开发提供参考。

推荐访问:研究进展 利用 加工 综合 高值化