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时间:2022-11-12 09:45:04 来源:网友投稿



[中图分类号] R681.5          [文献标识码] A          [文章编号] 1674-4721(2019)10(b)-0031-05

[Abstract] Hypertrophy of the transverse process of the fifth lumbar vertebra (HTPL5V) is a congenital deformity of the spinal column. Simple hypertrophy has no clinical manifestations at the initial stage. Low back pain and lower limb radiation pain may occur when age grows, trauma or strain occurs, which is called HTPL5V syndrome. In the past clinical work, there was insufficient understanding of this syndrome, which was often misdiagnosed as lumbar back fasciitis, piriformis syndrome, lumbar muscle strain and even lumbar disc herniation or lumbar spinal stenosis. The clinical incidence rate of HTPL5V is slightly higher in men than in women, and it can be found in young, middle-aged and elderly people. The diagnosis of HTPL5V should be considered in combination with the clinical manifestations of patients and imaging X-ray films, multi-slice spiral CT (MSCT), high-resolution CT (HRCT) or MRI. HTPL5V is divided into four types: type Ⅰ (simple type), type Ⅱ (pseudoarthrosis type), type Ⅲ (fusion type) and type Ⅳ (mixed type). The treatment of HTPL5V syndrome mainly includes: ①General conservative treatment, recumbent rest and hot compress, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesic, local blocking and traction treatment; ②Chinese traditional medical treatment, manipulative massage, wuqinxi, spectrum irradiation; ③Minimally invasive treatment, small needle knife lysis treatment; ④Surgical treatment, simple resection and decompression of the transverse process of HTPL5V, resection of the transverse process of HTPL5V + L5-S1 interbody fusion and bone graft pedicle system internal fixation, pseudoarthrodesis or interbody fusion.

[Key words] Hypertrophy syndrome of the fifth lumbar transverse process; Pseudarthrosis; Local anesthesia block; Minimally invasive treatment; Surgical treatment

推荐访问:腰椎 肥大 综合征 诊疗 现状